Publikationen Startseite Publikationen. Die hier genannten Veröffentlichungen zeigen besonders hervorzuhebende Ergebnisse unserer exzellenten Forschung. Perruzza L, Heckmann J, Rezzonico Jost T, Raneri M, Guglielmetti S, Gargari G, Palatella M, Willers M, Fehlhaber B, Werlein C, Vogl T, Roth J, Grassi F, Viemann D. Nat Commun. Nature commun. Molecular plasticity of herpesvirus nuclear egress analysed in situ. Nature Microbiology. Klebsiella oxytoca inhibits Salmonella infection through multiple microbiota-context-dependent mechanisms. Ausgewählte RESIST-Publikationen. Hier finden Sie Publikationen von RESIST-Forscherinnen und Forschern. Abnormal biomarkers predict complex FAS or FADD defects missed by exome sequencing. J Allergy Clin Immunol. Epub Nov PMID: CAR macrophages on a fast track to solid tumor therapy. Abdin SM, Paasch D, Lachmann N. Nat Immunol. Epigenetic immune cell quantification for diagnostic evaluation and monitoring of patients with inborn errors of immunity and secondary immune deficiencies. Ramirez NJ, Schulze JJ, Walter S, Werner J, Mrovecova P, Olek S, Sachsenmaier C, Grimbacher B, Salzer U. Clin Immunol. Epub Feb 1. Humoral and cellular immune responses following BNTb2 XBB. Stankov MV, Prostituierte Svenja Dittmer 30 M, Gutierrez Jauregui R, Cossmann A, Morillas Ramos G, Graalmann T, Winter EJ, Friedrichsen M, Ravens I, Ilievska T, Ristenpart J, Schimrock A, Willenzon S, Ahrenstorf G, Witte T, Förster R, Kempf A, Pöhlmann S, Hammerschmidt SI, Dopfer-Jablonka A, Behrens GMN. Lancet Infect Dis. Innate immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection contributes to neuronal damage in human iPSC-derived peripheral neurons. J Med Virol. Ten-year experience of whole lung lavage in pediatric Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis. Nickel K, Prostituierte Svenja Dittmer 30 K, Carlens J, Grewendorf S, Wetzke M, Keil O, Dennhardt N, Rigterink V, Köditz H, Sasse M, Happle C, Beck CE, Schwerk N. Klin Padiatr. Epub Jan PMID: ; PMCID: PMC The Challenge of Anticoagulation in Liver Cirrhosis. Eichholz JC, Wedemeyer H, Maasoumy B. Visc Med. Epub Dec The effector program of human CD8 T cells supports tissue remodeling. Delacher M, Schmidleithner L, Simon M, Stüve P, Sanderink L, Hotz-Wagenblatt A, Wuttke M, Schambeck K, Ruhland B, Hofmann V, Bittner S, Ritter U, Pant A, Helbich SS, Voss M, Lemmermann NA, Bessiri-Schake L, Bohn T, Eigenberger A, Menevse AN, Gebhard C, Strieder N, Abken H, Rehli M, Huehn J, Beckhove P, Hehlgans T, Junger H, Geissler EK, Prantl L, Werner JM, Schmidl C, Brors B, Imbusch CD, Feuerer M. J Exp Med. E4orf1: The triple agent of adenovirus — Unraveling its roles in oncogenesis, infectious obesity and immune responses in virus replication and vector therapy.
Long-Term Air Pollution and Traffic Noise Exposures and Mild Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults : A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study. Blutdruckmessung in der NAKO : Methodische Unterschiede, Blutdruckverteilung und Bekanntheit der Hypertonie im Vergleich zu anderen bevölkerungsbezogenen Studien in Deutschland. Mahabadi, Amir Abbas; Hametner, B. Scharf AC, Gronewold J , Dahlmann C, Schlitzer J, Kribben A, Gerken G, Frohnhofen H, Dodel R, Hermann DM. Social isolation and risk of fatal cardiovascular events. Krey, V.
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Cordula. Physician. Der Wille zur Lust: Pornographie und das moderne Subjekt. Eine Studie zu Svenja. Publikations-Highlights Die hier genannten Veröffentlichungen zeigen besonders hervorzuhebende Ergebnisse unserer exzellenten Forschung. Dittmer. Postdoc. Gender Trouble in der Bundeswehr. Phone +49 2; Stettner, Mark. Professor ; Totzeck, Andreas. Phone +49 Ihren Impulsvortrag eröffnete Prof. Klee mit einer Übersicht über die verschiedenen Karriereverläufe für Wissenschaftlerinnen und. Current members A – Z ; Langhauser, Friederike.OTULIN-related conditions: Report of a new case and review of the literature using GenIA A. Kowall, Bernd; Stang, Andreas; Erbel, Raimund; Moebus, Susanne; Petersmann, Astrid; Steveling, Antje; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Völzke, Henry. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A e Cornberg, and H. Schmausser-Hechfellner, C. J Clin Neurosci. Cook, F. Waltl, A. Gronewold, Janine; Hermann, Dirk M. Skoda, Eva-Maria; Teufel, Martin; Stang, Andreas; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Junne, Florian; Weismüller, Benjamin; Hetkamp, Madeleine; Musche, Venja; Kohler, Hannah; Dörrie, Nora; Schweda, Adam; Bäuerle, Alexander. Sustained neurological recovery induced by resveratrol is associated with angioneurogenesis rather than neuroprotection after focal cerebral ischemia. Dührsen, Ulrich; Bockisch, Andreas; Hertenstein, Bernd; Karsten, Imke E. Kleinschnitz is aiming to identify new biomarkers and therapeutic targets that allow improving stroke treatment without the risk of adverse events. Fei Ma, Yehui Liao, Qiang Tang, Chao Tang, Ning Luo , Sheng Yang, Hongchun He, Dejun Zhong. Viral modulation of type II interferon increases T cell adhesion and virus spread. Rodriguez Gonzalez, C. Zhang, V. Heterogeneity of national legislation and practice on clinical trials with vulnerable patients based on the eu clinical trials directive by the example of adults permanently incapable of giving informed consent. Der Mord an der jungen Anhalterin Katherine Thomson war für Gust wie ein Pornofilm. Schäkel, A. Mireisz, B. Meyts, N. Zurück Projekt GesMINT. Haid, A. Correction: Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis and new therapeutic concepts. Brüggemann, M. Stamatis, Georgios; Leschber, Gunda; Schwarz, Birte; Brintrup, Diana Lütke; Flossdorf, Sarah; Passlick, Bernward; Hecker, Erich; Kugler, Christian; Eichhorn, Martin; Krbek, Thomas; Eggeling, Stephan; Hatz, Rudolf; Müller, Michael Rolf; Hillinger, Sven; Aigner, Clemens; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz. Er will verstehen, wer er ist, aber es ist nicht leicht, das herauszufinden. Pathogen spectra in hospitalised and nonhospitalised children with community-acquired pneumonia. He received his master degree in Spinalsurgery at Southwest Medical University in Lung Cancer Risks Associated with Occupational Exposure to Pairs of Five Lung Carcinogens : Results from a Pooled Analysis of Case-Control Studies SYNERGY.