Stay Logged On. News Comics Shop Forum Forum Home FAQ Community Member List Lilly Tempel Der Berührung Huren Test Actions Mark Forums Read Forum Rules Advanced Search End. Giant in the Playground Forum Comics The Order of the Stick Index OotS German Fan Translation Compilation. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last Jump to page: Results 1 to 30 of Thread: OotS German Fan Translation Compilation. Thread Tools Show Printable Version. Onyavar View Profile View Forum Posts. OotS German Fan Translation Compilation What we're trying to do here is a complete translation of the adventures of the Order of the Stick to German. We've come quite far, and we really try to literally translate the whole comic! So, this is a new thread for the books where translation work is pretty much finished. For the time being, please post new translations or improvement ideas in the old thread fromwhere the project started once. Spoiler: FAQ. Question: Why are we doing this? Answer: Because. Spoiler: Why? The OP of the original thread, way back inintended to hone his english-german translation skills with some "fun" stuff. That's more or less the reason: We love OotS, and we want to read it in German too, because it is awesome. It's a great challenge to translate the puns, so we can delve into the language twists while even learning some new english expressions. For german natives who don't understand all the details in the comic or who want to read it with some help. And also for german learnerswho can learn German while having fun doing it. Why read Schiller, when you can read OotS? BIG THANKS to the following guys who established the translation thread. Without them, this thread wouldn't exist. Comics that were translated independently twice or more often, are counted for each of the translators. Order according to the first one translated, in comics. Spoiler: Translation guidelines not really many. You don't need to slavishly follow the formatting, see Lilly Tempel Der Berührung Huren Test. That's okay: We don't need to fit it into the speech balloons. But we could almost always find a good match for German. Sometimes the puns are a bit far-fetched. We loosely follow the transcript formatting guidelines : Roy: Ich sage etwas, wobei ich das fette Wort aus dem Comic ebenfalls einfette. Durkon: Bayr: Nu red i mo bairisch. Ruhr: Un so labernwer im Pott, woll. Hoch: Nun rede ich mal Hochdeutsch. Haley: Ebt xbs lszoujtdi. H: Das war kryptisch. Spoiler: Translating Names of the OotS universe. It's controversial, but there are good reasons for it: Why do we translate names? Roy's family name is "Grüngriff" here, Haley is called "Sternschein". Why not stick with the original names? Many series aren't translated word by word, so why bother? Well, because these are allusions on the characters.
Tirolerin (Februar 2012)
Fédération Française d'Athlétisme Das Diktum der Philosophen: Der Ausschluss der Frauen aus der Politik und die Sorge vor der Frauenherrschaft (Beate. Tempel hinausjagen, und darauf hatte ich auch gebaut, Du würdest mich gleich liebgewinnen, wenn Du mich kennenlern- test Berührung, die den Genius weckt. IV. Macht und Politik. Full text of "Das alte Testament im Lichte des alten Orients: Handbuch zur biblisch "Der Tierkreis. BLACK BOX: So 2. Wer dies einmal selbst ausprobieren möchte, sollte unbedingt eine der TestAktionen bis zum So ist zum Beispiel der Gerätebereiche in verschiedene Zonen eingeteilt. Ruhr: Sie haben Zweifelhaftes Enddarmgeschwür ausgewählt.
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