Bibliography of English Etymoogy. This project was begun by Kurt Goblirsch, continued by Martha B. Mayou, and completed with Ari Hoptman and Nathan E. Carlson and the help of numerous assistants. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Liberman, Anatoly. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN hc : alk. English language—Etymology—Bibliography. Hoptman, Ari. Carlson, Nathan E. Several parts of this paper evince that the author is an amiable man; and the whole certainly manifests much deep research and pro- found disquisition. The Project The idea of writing a new etymological dictionary of English goes back to and owes its ex- istence to chance. While casting about for its origin, I remembered the English word heifer and wondered whether hei- had anything to do with hei Although heifer appears in Skeat, The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology, the OED, Weekley, and Partridge, they all say somewhat different things about its history, whereas the less specialized dictionaries give only the Old English form and call heifer a word of unknown origin. Professor J. More important than familiarizing myself with a reasonable hypothesis on the derivation of heifer in a book that my friend owned was the fact that I accidentally discovered Wedgwood. The question arose whether I was ignorant of some other hid- den treasures. Further searches produced a long list of little known and forgotten etymological dictionaries of Gratis Dating Bremen Sex Kontakter Dorset. My work on the origin of heifer consisted not so much of weighing various suggestions as of trying to find out the literature on that word. Outside the area of English, most modern etymological dictionaries are analytic, that is, their authors discuss every word with reference to earlier scholarship, cite their sources, and offer hy- potheses in agreement with or in defiance of their predecessors. Some surveys are detailed, others are brief, but even the shortest of them are useful. Therefore, an investigator of English etymology is left without bibliographical clues and always has to begin from scratch. Even a list of the books to be consulted is hard to generate. Nor are they available at every major library. It now has all of them. Gratis Dating Bremen Sex Kontakter Dorset my work on heifer came to an end a premature end from my current perspectiveI real- ized that if I ever decided to write another etymology, I would again have to start looking through countless bibliographies on the off chance of finding something useful. Spending half a year on one word is a generous allowance, considering how few half-years most of us are allotted, that is, in comparison with the number of words in any language. Such a dictionary is long overdue, and I decided to write one myself. The main task was to put together a bibliography of everything published in journals and collec- tions of papers about the origin of English words. From then on, the compilation work on the bibliography and the writing of etymologies became my responsibil- ity. The bibliography has now reached a stage at which it, in my opinion, Gratis Dating Bremen Sex Kontakter Dorset publication, and a volume of fifty-five etymologies drawing on the amassed data has recently appeared Anatoly Liberman, with the assistance of J. Lawrence Mitchell, An Analytic Dictionary of English Etymology. Minneapolis, London: University of Minnesota Press, Only one exhaustive etymological bibliography seems to exist. B 36, by Kai Donner; pp. This is an incomparable achievement, though the layout of the bibliogaphy, titled Verzeichnis der etymologisch behandelten finnischen Wörter, is hard on the eye. A less ambitious venture was Harold H. Princeton: Princeton University Press, London: Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press,pp. His list of sources, in addition to the dictionaries mentioned in the title, takes up two pages however, the earliest book he excerpted is dated and the latest,
Those have been searched according to the same principles as BL. Es ist eine von viel zu vielen Geschichten häuslicher Gewalt gegen Frauen und in dieser Folge soll es genau darum gehen: um Gewalt die sich gegen Frauen richtet. Although heifer appears in Skeat, The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology, the OED, Weekley, and Partridge, they all say somewhat different things about its history, whereas the less specialized dictionaries give only the Old English form and call heifer a word of unknown origin. The main task was to put together a bibliography of everything published in journals and collec- tions of papers about the origin of English words. All in all, the bibliography contains over 20, titles.
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