Module 1. Family and Relationships. Introduction In this module, you are going to learn new words to talk about the people in your life: your family, friends and partners. You are also going to learn how to describe people. Click on the links to read articles, watch videos and do online activities. Finally, do the required activities to pass the module. You will see them in a green table on the last page. These activities are not in this document, you have to do them in the moodle. The people in your life Read about Wanda's world and make sure you know the meaning of all the following words: acquaintance aunt best friend cousin ex- boyfriend flatmate parents step- father uncle boss brother -in-law neighbour nephew widow widower colleague niece. FAMILY I've got four parents! My mum and dad are divorced and both of them have remarried. My mum, Tina, lives with my step-father, Costas, in Wimbledon. My dad, Harry, lives in Marbella with his new wife, Roxette. She's the same age as me, and we get on really well! I've got a younger sister called Sandra. She's married to a guy called Ray. They have a young baby called Grace. That means I'm an aunt! FRIENDS Well, there's my flatmate, Fatima. She's from Lebanon. I haven't got a boyfriend. My exboyfriend, Warren, still phones me every week, but I'm not interested. It's a bit complicated because Warren is my brother-in-law's brother. My best friend is Stan. He's a year-old barber and his shop is just below my flat. He's a widowe and he's got a teenage son, Danny. Danny's learning to play the trumpet. I know her because she calls every day to complain about something. Her Dating Lesson Plan Esl Teaching Englisch fight on our balcony. CONTENTS 1. Talking about your family Click on the following links to listen to people talking about family: Ruth discusses her family. Akane talks about her mother and their relationship. Ruth discusses the personalities in her family. Adrienne talks about the different personalities in her family. Family is very important. Listen to a woman talking about what her children are like.
B2 Speaking Practice: Relationships (Family, Friendship, ...)
Module 1. Family and Relationships | PDF | Friendship | Vocabulary It includes readings and activities about describing family members and relationships, talking about friends, and discussing dating. The module contains links. *Over hours of teaching material, worksheets, flashcards and classroom activities are included *24 complete lesson plans for beginner adult ESL students. Speed Dating Activity | PDF | Career & GrowthAutomatic Street Light Control Dokument 6 Seiten. Cooking and eating Art des Englischen : General English Niveau : Intermediate B1-B2. Gareth talks about someone he is very close to and how they get along now. Vlat 1 Planning Template 5b1 5d 1 Dokument 8 Seiten. Make your lessons unforgettable.
ESL Worksheets for Teachers
The module contains links. Lots of different speaking activities and. It includes readings and activities about describing family members and relationships, talking about friends, and discussing dating. *Over hours of teaching material, worksheets, flashcards and classroom activities are included *24 complete lesson plans for beginner adult ESL students. THE WORLD OF DATING - General English (B1) LOVE LANGUAGES. Perfect for getting your students to talk about family, friendship, relationships on a B2 level.Educ Culture Lesson Reflection Dokument 2 Seiten. Es können mehrere Werte in ein Feld übernommen werden. View all. Talk about your best friend, how you met and why do you like each other. Intermediate B1-B2. CONTENTS 1. Art des Englischen : General English Niveau : Intermediate B1-B2. Trefferliste zurück 4 weiter. Warm-Up Activities Dokument 17 Seiten. Too easy. Jay McGraw. DIESE LEKTION BEWERTEN. Presentperfect Speaking Lessonplan Part 1 Dokument 2 Seiten. Text and visual-based activities cover romantic events, describing relationships and dating expressions. In a typical speed dating event, participants will rotate through a series of short conversations with different potential matches. Dating Basics What Every Guy Should Know but Often Doesn't. Dating Basics What Every Guy Should Know but Often Doesn't Von Everand. Attending a job interview Art des Englischen : General English Niveau : Intermediate B1-B2. Funktion describing trends. What are the signs? Gallen - medienverbund. Difficulties in Learning Mathematics 1 The Problem and Its Background Introduction TIOC. Longevity Art des Englischen : General English Niveau : Intermediate B1-B2. Sind diese Inhalte unangemessen? With Expemo package. Beverly Green. The following lesson plans were developed in response to groups who took on the task of sponsoring refugees. Land and sea Art des Englischen : General English Niveau : Intermediate B1-B2. Art des Englischen Business English. Tom Ryan. DANVILLE Crafting A Day Pattern For Students Dokument 14 Seiten. Exercises focus on idiomatic language, related vocabulary and comprehension exercises.